Everyday Miracle

Believe me when I say, I did not think I would be such a breastfeeding enthusiast. In fact, while I certainly could have had a worse experience, my breastfeeding journey was still stressful and difficult. Between oversupply causing terrible colic-like symptoms and babies' food sensitivities limiting what I could eat, there were times I was …

“I don’t wanna!”

If my kids get on my nerves, I imagine it would be all too easy for God to get annoyed with us. Instead he shows us grace and chooses to be patient with us. In the same way that parents often need to make unpopular but good choices for their children, God has the big picture in mind when he hears our whining (ahem, prayers) and sometimes responds with something we don't want to receive.

The messiness of dashed hopes.

Image source: Knowing-Jesus.com I've thought about this blog a lot over the past two years - how I should be using this "time off" to write. Yet I could never bring myself to open up a page and begin. Maybe it's because my writing always had a conclusion, an encouragement through personal experience with God's …

Here’s to the breastfeeding moms…

First, watch this. Before I breastfed, I had my own biases and preconceived notions. To be very honest, I was a little "weirded out" by the concept. This journey with my baby was something I never could have anticipated. I hated it at first - being constantly at the "beck and call" of my baby …

Believe in Me | Devotional

Word For Life Says...

believe in me

Support.  The look in another’s eye that says they see the potential in your dreams.  The interest there in seeing you excel greater than where you are; the prompting that pushes you into your destiny further than you ever believed you could possibly be.

To have one backing you in such a way means the world.  An earthly companion who hooks themselves to the future they see in you – marvellous!  But, what if it’s not there?  What if there is none who holds your hand and speaks words of encouragement to strengthen you to power through the fight, and press on?

As much as those pats on the back mean, they pale in comparison to the God who gave you the vision in the first place.  Often raising above the norm to see higher heights becomes a lonesome climb.  Despite the difficulties one faces in the process, God has…

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Your Little Stuff Matters! — Word For Life Says . . .

Even if you think what you bring to the table doesn’t matter, I’m here to tell you it does! Even if you think it’s too small, God specializes in increasing humble beginnings and making them something special to shine for His glory. Remember, every great tree that stands tall in the forest started from a …