Everyday Miracle

Believe me when I say, I did not think I would be such a breastfeeding enthusiast. In fact, while I certainly could have had a worse experience, my breastfeeding journey was still stressful and difficult. Between oversupply causing terrible colic-like symptoms and babies' food sensitivities limiting what I could eat, there were times I was …

Here’s to the breastfeeding moms…

First, watch this. Before I breastfed, I had my own biases and preconceived notions. To be very honest, I was a little "weirded out" by the concept. This journey with my baby was something I never could have anticipated. I hated it at first - being constantly at the "beck and call" of my baby …

Answered Prayer: A different kind of manna

Manna: the substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness (Exodus 16). - Google's Dictionary Breastfeeding has been an unexpected journey; one that I am grateful to be able to experience, especially as a working/pumping/commuting mother of a soon-to-be 8-month old. My husband and I had a rough initial 3-4 months with …